It was not much difficult in 2015 and previous years to make on-line money on freelancer weary including desk, freelancer, glance, fiver and other wearies because there was not so much competitor between freelancers to get jobs. usually people posted their proposal and rate of work and employers gave them projects after negotiating details of projects but in 2016 there is so much competitor that people without previous experience feel it very difficult to make money even to find out and get first successful project on freelancer because it is developed as complete industry and there are so many third party contractors that they takes projects on higher rates and give them to others on lower rates without doing nothing by just taking advantage of their experience and negotiating skills so many new people get desperate from freelancing wearies and their freelancing career comes to an end without making advancement in this field. it is not rocket science to make money on freelancing wearies because there is so much work on these subside including fake projects and fraud clients who just post projects and new freelancers do their work but they do not send them payments and then get vanish from freelancer wearies so there few tips about making online money on freelancer wearies in 2016.

1: You must have to complete your freelancing profile by giving out all the needed details and contact information. You must also have to specify your skills and expertise area in decent manner by telling employers about your freelancing skills.
2: Previous work samples are heart of your freelancing career because every employer will ask you about previous work samples so you must have written quality articles just to include in your proposal because client will look your previous work first and then your proposal so that you always proved to be best option for employers among all other bidders.
3: Writing an best freelancer proposal is always considered as most important thing in getting project on freelancer wearies because there are many people on freelancer wearies which have good skills to do all work but they do not know how to persuade clients that they are the best people whom this project must be given so always try to write an attractive and comprehensive proposal and tell client that you can do this project in best possible manner in short time. It is always important to read out the project description before writing a proposal to get job because you wont miss anything important regarding the job. it is also advised to use new proposal for every job because nature of project is always different and if you use similar proposal for all jobs then it will run out you from contest of getting job because there are many people who know the art of writing attractive purposely for clients for getting projects on freelancer wearies in 2016 to make some online money.
If always pray that Pakistani freelancers get maximum jobs on freelancers because it not only earn them money but also bring many dollars to foreign reserves of Pakistan so always try your best in getting and doing projects on freelancing wearies by acting upon above mentioned tips and advice.
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