this method i have tested for about two months and i have made $30-$40 a day from Instagram and CPA Networks offers.
The following my guide looks a bit long, but its not complicated. Ill try to make more details below, but this is an easy method to earn money if you done correctly. The reason I say $30-$40 is based off my own experience only using a single IP address with 5 Instagram accounts. You can make as many as you want buy using proxies or you can buy Instagram accounts on the internet...
So What You Need before to start making money with Instagram and CPA offers.
1-5 Instagram Accounts(as many as possible)
Account With a CPA Network With Mobile Offers
An iPhone or Android Phone
About an Hour to Setup
Proxy or VPN(to help you can easily make more money online you should buy a proxy/vpn accounts )
Ok Now I think someone dont really know What CPA Network to Use, i will write a shortly introduction bellow.When I did this method I used MaxBounty with zero complaints. They have a huge selection of mobile offers which are required for this method and a friendly support team. PeerFly is by far the most popular, but Ive had nightmarish experiences with their support team and not getting paid.
There are thousands of questions such as "How to get approved to CPA Network", "Help me
to make money online with CPA network"... Ill help you answer these questions below
Tip: simple method to fastly Get Approved to CPA Network
Usually, it will take 24-48 hours for the network to call you to have a little Chat about you,your experience and pretty much all the questions that were already asked in the application.
They basically, just want to Make Sure that you are really who you are.In my case:The rise of mobile offers gives you a nice little loophole for easy approval. When I signed up for
my MaxBounty account and received the call from them I just told them "Ive been marketing CPA offers for a long time, but really want to get into mobile offers which I noticed they had a lot of".
The guy was very friendly and basically approved my account just for saying that. Though,
it does help a lot if you have a quality website to submit with your application.Or You dont need to wait for them to call you. You can immediately call them after submitting your application and Let Them Know that you have just submitted an application. This shows that you are very excited and not afraid to speak to the networks.
Step 1 - How to choose The Right Offer?
The offers that convert best on Instagram are email/zip submits for things like Free iPhones,
Free Xboxes, Free Macbooks, etc. Make sure you read the offer description because some email/zip
submits require more than one page to get paid. People are lazy. Theyre not likely to fill out more
than just their email address or zip code.
Offers like these should pay you $0.85 - $1.00. On occasion youll find one page offers that pay up
to $1.85. If the network youre on doesnt have offers like these I recommend going else where.
Thats the price range you should be looking for. This way you only need 10 - 20 people to fill out
your offer a day.Make a list of about 5 of these offers before moving on to the next step.
Step 2 - How to setup a Instagram account well
Setting up Your Instagram Account(ill be using a free iPhone offer for this examples.)
Name: Create your Instagram accounts based on your offer. Not the other way around. If your offer
is about getting a free iPhone, call name your account something like "SuperFreeiPhones" or
Profile Picture: make your profile picture the product the offer is giving away. Or if you
have an account thats performing well, maybe take the time to write some text over it or something.
Name & Description: Keep its really simple and attractive. Use emoji symbols to make your account
stand out both in the name field and description. Like use the green checkmark Emoji to give the appearanceof a verified account or iPhone Emojis to help it stand out more. For the descriptions I usually would give people basic instructions for the offer. Click the link and enter your email address
Photos: Once again, post photos related to your product. With my accounts, I posted photos of the
item in bulk such as dozens of iPhone boxes stacked up giving the impression that they were the
ones being given away in the offer. Some say its not necessary to post photos to accounts like these,
but I think it helps A LOT. Especially if you use TagsForLikes (Available in the app store and on
their website) to get hundreds of likes on the photos. This boosts the accounts credibility big time
making it look really popular.
Link / URL: Instagram is not going to let you just post your CPA offer as the website on your accounts.Either buy a domain name to redirect to your offers (eg YourDomainName.xxx/iPhone, YourDomainName .xxx/Xbox, YourDomainName.xxx/Macbook).
Note: Shortened URLs such as Bit.ly links get your account banned just as fast as linking directly
to a CPA offer.
Just prepare for comments like "What do you want from me!? Imreporting you to the police!!!!". Im not exaggerating, these are all real comments I would get...Just delete these comments and block the users so others dont see them and be turned off.
IMPORTANT NOTE: You are only allowed to have 5 Instagram accounts per IP address. People may sayotherwise, but thats what I found from experience. If you make one too many accounts they all get banned. Be careful and dont get greedy. If you want to make more use proxies or buy more accounts.
Step 3 - How to Get more the Traffic
Getting traffic to the accounts is pretty simple. Just follow the followers of other accounts related
to your offer. If youre offer is about a free iPhone, iPad or Macbook, follow Apple related accounts,
if your offer is for a free Xbox follow gaming accounts. You get the idea. Instagram doesnt have a
daily follow limit like Twitter does, but an hourly one so open Instagram whenever you get a chance
during the day watching TV, waiting in line, etc. Just follow as many a you can until it stops you.
Have a goal of following at least 500 users a day. Instagrams total follow limit is based off how
many followers you have. So the more followers you have, the more you can follow.Or There are lots
of guide on this blog about <SEO tutorial> to help you get more traffic.
Step 4 - Rinse, Repeat, Automate
Step 3 basically concludes the method itself. Now its up to you to duplicate it. Just remember,
only 5 accounts for IP address. If you want to make more, use some proxies or buy more accounts.
Though I personally think if youre going to put that much effort into anything dream a bit bigger
with something more long-term, but you can easily automate this method by hiring someone on Elance or ODesk to follow people with your accounts for you.
I hope you can get more money from this way, if you have any question about this way please take a comment below then ill answer it.
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